The church underwent restoration work over the centuries that completely altered the original architectural lines. All that remains of the original structure is the main entrance adorned with bas-reliefs in Byzantine style and a panel with the Coronation of the Virgin, the work of Rinaldo di Calvi, one of Lo Spagna's best students. On the bas-relief, the elegant frieze that, starting from the mouth of an animal at the bottom of the right jamb, running along the entire architrave and ending in a group of leaves at the bottom of the left jamb supported by an Attic base, stands out.
The door is surmounted by a raised stone archivolt and in the centre of the architrave a mystic lamb with eagles at the two corners is carved which, together with the lamb, repeats the development of the frieze on a smaller scale. Inside, one can admire paintings and frescoes from the 17th and 18th centuries, a well-made marble tabernacle of holy oils and in the sacristy, a marvellous polyptych depicting the Coronation of the Virgin by Rinaldo da Calvi (1520-1521).
According to archival sources, there were five chapels inside the church: St. George, St. Andrew, St. John the Baptist, as well as the companies of Annunziata and St. Charles Borromeo.
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