Village of Stroncone

2 Minutes of reading

Stroncone maintains all its charm as a medieval village intact, with its narrow, winding alleys, churches, palaces and towers. Thanks to its position, it offers visitors an incomparable view of the Terni and Narni valleys

The historical centre, with its mighty walls, still has the appearance of a fortified village.
The settlement probably arose during the early Middle Ages, built by people who, living in the insecure valley floor, found a more defendable place on this high ground. 

Even before entering he main entrance gate, a stop to admire the 16th-century Fountain “delle Tre Tazze”, characterised by a central triangular gable, two lateral dolphins sculpted in bas-relief and three oval basins with lion protomes, is a must.

The Main Gate, surmounted by the municipal coat of arms, leads to Piazza San Giovanni, where you can admire the Medieval Well and the Oratory of San Giovanni Decollato.

Inside the village is Piazza San Nicola, overlooked by the ancient church dedicated to the saint and the Town Hall. It was here that town meetings were held in the Middle Ages. 

The church of San Nicolò together with that of San Michele Arcangelo di Stroncone, has left us a real treasure: nine precious illuminated codices on parchment, called 'Choir Books', dating back to the 14th century. Today, the ancient manuscripts can be admired at the Church of the Madonna del Gonfalone, located at the highest point of the city in Piazza della Torre, where a museum dedicated to them has been set up.

Nearby is the Natural History Museum: here you can admire various paleontological, geological, ethnological and zoological collections in their diversity. 

Around the town, it is worth visiting the Convent of San Francesco, where the uncorrupted remains of Blessed Antonio Vici, the patron saint of Stroncone are kept, the ancient Monastery of San Simeone, the Abbey of San Benedetto in Fundis, the astronomical observatory of Santa Lucia, the four medieval hamlets (Aguzzo, Coppe, Finocchieto and Vasciano), the centuries-old chestnut groves of Cimitelle and the tourist spot “i Prati”, a true naturalistic oasis that at 1000 metres above sea level, offers a real immersion into uncontaminated nature with extraordinary fauna and flora.

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