The date of its construction is unknown but it cannot be later than the 16th century. The name derives from the fact that in ancient times, the municipal banner was kept inside, as the church, due to its elevated position, did not lend itself to easy attacks by enemies.
Originally, the church belonged to the Franciscan Order. The sacristy was added later on and it was so spacious that the prior requested that it be turned into a convent.This permission was not given and in the 17th century the upper rooms were used as a public school.
The high altar, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, is decorated with gilded stucco work by the brothers Cristoforo and Gregorio Grimani from Stroncone. On either side of the altar are paintings of St. George and St. Blaise, possibly the work of Giuseppe Bastiani da Macerata (1612).
The chapel on the right once held the Priors' cartridge case (now at the town hall), as the Priors came to this church to hear mass on the first Sunday after their election.
The ancient church of the Madonna del Gonfalone houses the Choir Museum.
#Nei dintorni#Stroncone
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