Church of Santa Maria dei Prati

1 Minute of reading

It was also an important reference point for all those who passed through there on their way to the Franciscan sanctuaries of the Rieti valley and the Greccio convent.

Chiesa di Santa Maria dei Prati

At the Prati di Stroncone , there is a small church with the bell gable of Santa Maria dei Prati. 

Certainly of very ancient origin, it was probably commissioned by the shepherds of the area for whom, in the past, it must have fulfilled the dual function of a place of devotion and a meeting place. 

Inside, there is an altarpiece of the Visitation, dating back to the 17th century, in which in addition to the obligatory protagonists, Saint Elizabeth and the Madonna, one can glimpse a shepherd with some sheep and a monk saint, perhaps San Pasquale, protector of shepherds.

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